How Riot Responds to Community Complaints – They Fix Them. Within Hours.
How Riot Responds to Community Complaints – They Fix Them. Within Hours.
We weren’t going to report on this incident when it happened two weeks ago, but Bungie’s current attitude towards their community complaints has made it worthwhile to see someone doing it right. Riot had a problem similar to Bungie’s, it involved skins, it involved luck, and it involved whether or not players felt like they were getting ripped off. But the responses could not have been more different.

Reddit user CleverCactus brought the issue to light after doing extensive testing and recording. The chart can be a little confusing, but what they show is that there are skin tiers valued low to high, and most skins in the game – 25% of all skins – fall into the 1350 price range. This, arguably, makes it a very sought after range since so many champions have skins at this price (135 skins to be exact). While not outright despicable, it seemed like rolling had been skewed to eliminate the possibility of getting 1350 skins, which turned out to be true. The charts also showed that more valuable skins had a lower chance of being rerolled, which was sort of to be expected.
On the same day that the issue was reported, the Reddit Rioter The_Cactopus took to the forums and confirmed that these numbers were correct. He also said that he understood why this was frustrating, so not only was Riot going to fix the rerolls to allow for 1350 skins, they were removing ALL weighted rolling. All rerolls would now have the exact same chance of dropping, from the low-valued skins, to even the most expensive skins. Riot also did one other thing. They said they would be making this change immediately – now, at midnight. Within one hour, Riot updated their rolling system – presumably getting developers out of bed – and changed the system to accommodate the community.
Users like to read about when companies fuck up – like EA and Bungie – but it should be just as newsworthy that Riot has done what no other company is willing to do. Riot didn’t just listen to their community; they listened to their community at 12 AM, got their team together and made an executive decision in less than an hour to completely change something about their game which would have financial repercussions. This isn’t just good community management. This is completely unheard of.
Gamers have been taught for years that the companies that give hundreds of hours and dollars to don’t actually care about them. Companies like EA and Bungie have only confirmed that narrative, but any company that has ever given a generic “we’re listening” response has also supported it. Not that companies like Bungie will be listening, but there might just be a reason that League of Legends is the most popular game in the world and Destiny 2 isn’t.
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