OWL and Dallas Fuel Make an Example of xQc and His Homophobic Slur
OWL and Dallas Fuel Make an Example of xQc and His Homophobic Slur
There’s a fine line between trash talking and being blatantly disrespectful and intentionally hurtful. Professional Overwatch player xQc learned that lesson the hard way. After hurling multiple homophobic remarks at an opposing player both during and after an OWL match, the Overwatch League suspended xQc for four games and fined him $2,000. Then his team, Dallas Fuel, went ahead and suspended xQc for the rest of the first stage.
The reaction from fans of OWL has been mostly accepting. Not too many people are complaining about the ban or the fine. On the other hand, the reaction to the extra ban leveled by Fuel has been decidedly mixed.

This Twitter comment from @tessavonreznor on Fuel’s official announcement pretty well sums up how some fans feel — “No. This is too much. I’ve bought the jerseys, I’ve spammed you all over social media. I love all of the guys on the team, but I won’t be supporting you this season. The leagues penalty was enough, this is just ridiculous. SUPPORT YOUR PLAYERS!”
This type of tweet is as run-of-the-mill as they get when it comes to these types of things. Athletes in traditional sports have been getting suspended and fined for hurling racist and homophobic slurs at one another for years. It’s nothing new. And for as long as it’s been happening, there have been fans ready and willing to call any punishment unjust. The only thing new this time around is that it happened in the Overwatch League.
OWL worked hard to create a set-up that was as close to traditional sports as possible. That comes with a lot of positives for players, but it also means that they’ll be held to a higher standard than before and there’s an enforceable code of conduct that needs to be respected. Now, when trash talking crosses the line into verbal abuse, there’ll be a price to pay.
Fuel and OWL are setting a clear precedent that vile behavior won’t be tolerated and that’s a good thing for everyone involved with the league. A minor player being suspended and fined at an inconsequential point in the season is a lot better than a star player being ousted nearer the finals.
xQc was made an example of and now other players are aware of what their indiscretions can cost them. The big question is, will xQc and other would be offenders learn from this example?
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