Fortnite Brings Celebrities to E3
Fortnite Brings Celebrities to E3
Fortnite does one thing very well – spectacle. There isn’t any other way to describe their Pro-Am, 100-player match taking place at E3 this year. Pro-Am will be Fortnite’s largest event yet, dwarfing and crushing Ninja’s previous Las Vegas appearance. While Epic Games has previously arranged Ninja to team up with rappers like Drake, this event will see 50 pros (including Ninja) paired up with 50 celebrities. That’s right, 100 people, and every single one of them is famous.

Streamers and celebrities will be put into 2-man squads for the Pro-Am event.
The grand prize for Pro-Am will be $3 million donated to the winner’s charity of choice. The winning duo will also receive $1 million to split. Epic Games was quick to point out that this prize pool is not a part of the $100 million that they have set aside for esports events.
Tickets for the event will run just $10, with Epic Games sending out email links to all those interested until all 3,000 tickets to the event have been sold. Tickets will also include a swag bag and free snacks to help entice anyone still on the fence about the event.
In addition to everything else, there will also be an exclusive invite-only party taking place after the event. Anyone looking to attend will have to stop by Fortnite’s booth number 2723 of the LA Convention Center for a chance to enter and win a ticket. Winners to the after party must be 18 or older to enter.
The entire event will be taking place on June 12, with Pro-Am starting at 3:30 PM PST.

The Pro-Am event will take place at E3 in Los Angeles, CA.
Pro-Am marks just the latest venture by Epic Games to keep Fortnite in the spotlight and drawing in crowds. While they are certainly dishing out lots of money to do it, they have achieved what no other game company ever has.
Fortnite is now a global phenomenon. No other game can boast the number of celebrities that Fortnite can, and the constant events, the constant huge prize pools, and their consistently stellar viewer numbers, have made it something that no other game can touch.
The only real question is how long Epic can keep it up. No doubt their coffers are deep, but the company is quickly spending amounts surpassing the hundreds of millions. If their strategy works, however, they will be remembered for the rest of history as the game that reached even non-gaming audiences across the world.
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