GameStop is Finally On its Way Out, Few Will Miss It
GameStop is Finally On its Way Out, Few Will Miss It
Most gamers above the age of 18 can remember nickel and diming their old titles to GameStop in the hopes of earning enough for a new game. It’s hard to say if these are fond memories so much as they are memories. Even after 19 years, and after closing 150 stores last year, GameStops are still the most numerous game store across the country, but not for much longer. A recent report puts GameStop’s stock at its lowest levels in 13 years, and it may be pointing towards a slow death for the retailer.

The death of a retailer in the 21st century is hardly a new thing. The rise of Amazon and online shopping has put a time-limit on nearly all retailers, but on electronics and gaming especially. Since gamers are generally more knowledgeable of gadgets and tech, this industry has been hit the hardest by online selling. RadioShack already saw its last days, Circuit City is long dead, and Best Buy has certainly seen better days. For games, the story is largely the same.
Steam has dominated the gaming marketplace for years now, with some sources citing its control of 70% of all digital downloads and 40% of all game sales. With other digital storefronts like GOG and HumbleBundle making strides, it is no wonder that GameStop is hurting. The only real question is if anyone will be sad to see it go.
While waiting in line for the newest WoW expansion is certainly a touch of nostalgia, GameStop’s predatory practices are not remembered so fondly. Among the things GameStop is associated with are unfair game prices (for trade-in or purchases), encouraging employees to lie, and crappy work conditions. In fact, GameStop was less a haven for nerds and gamers than a shark preying on them.
GameStop popularized itself after a Walmart-esque strategy of buying out or running out the competition until there was virtually no one left. For many, the experience of browsing a game store for new titles is limited to only GameStop, and for many gamers, a job at GameStop seemed like the only option for entering into the gaming industry. Unfortunately, most gamers only came away with horror stories and a general disdain for humanity, but that is what comes from a company that treated its customers as bank accounts and little else.
While some businesses have found ways to survive the 21st century crunch on retailers, GameStop probably won’t be one of them. Businesses like bookstores have survived by making their atmosphere accommodating and enticing, and in France, laws even protect independent bookstores from price gouging from digital stores like Amazon. But GameStop was the predator in the gaming world, and no one will be rushing to protect it from the collapse that has been a long time coming.
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