EU LCS Is Franchising Next Season
EU LCS Is Franchising Next Season
This was the first NA LCS split since Riot implemented franchising last year and it’s gone tremendously. So well in fact, that Riot has announced the EU LCS will be following suit and will begin franchising next year. The EU’s summer split will be unaffected, but next spring could feature a whole new slate of teams.
The pricing for franchises will be essentially the same as we saw in NA last year. According to Forbes, a brand new franchise will cost about $13 million, but existing EU teams will be able to lock in their spots for around $10 million, as long as Riot approves of them that is.
“We want to build on what has always been Europe’s strength: our ability to surface and nurture great talent – but also make sure our pros are well supported and rewarded, sharing in the success of the league. It’s our goal to build a system that allows fans to create long-lasting and deep connections with teams and pros, and a league that provides teams with more stability.”

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