Sony Banning Super Seducer is Just Stupid
Sony Banning Super Seducer is Just Stupid
There are plenty of reasons to hate Super Seducer. First of all, it’s a live-action game, and in the history of gaming, every single live-action game has sucked. Second, it isn’t a game. It’s clicking through inane dialogue options with the goal of getting to listen to its creator – Richard La Ruina – talk to you awkwardly from his parent’s bedroom. That’s two reasons and already that’s more than enough for no one to ever play this game. But then Sony had to go and ban the game from their platform, and now we have to pretend like this game matters.

Pictured here is a paid model and the melting wax Jesus figure known as Richard La Ruina.
Look, no one thinks this is a good game. It’s like seeing dogshit on the sidewalk and saying we better cordon it off and put a sign with a big arrow saying ‘DOGSHIT AHEAD.’ That is the problem with banning this game. We all know this game sucks, but now people in the industry have decided they have to force that opinion on us, which is pretty stupid.
Gal Gun is a rail shooter where you blast anime girls with your love guns so they will make sexy sounds and sometimes fall over exposing their panties. Personally, I think that’s creepy and weird, but tons of other people think it’s funny. Some even enjoy it ironically (or maybe not ironically – how the hell do I know). The point is that games don’t make you a worse person, even if that’s what they are trying to do. This is the exact argument politicians try to use for violent games, but it is BS when it’s about violence and it’s BS about this too. People emulating Super Seducer is about as likely as them emulating GTA, and except for the buying hookers part, I don’t think any nerds have ever tried to recreate their favorite GTA moments.
This is the biggest problem when Sony comes out and bans a game based off what they think the public can handle. This is also after the game was removed from Kickstarter last year for violating rules on inappropriate content. Now, because companies like Kickstarter and Sony have decided to take this game seriously and protect the poor public, we get articles like this where gamers feel the need to attack this game.
No one is under any illusions about the quality of this game, and if they are, they are beyond your help or protection. The people who think this works aren’t going to read a 2500 word article and suddenly realize this guy is a douche. On the other hand, there are plenty of ways to enjoy this game for the trainwreck that it absolutely is. Case in point, Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude.

If Leisure Suit Larry didn’t turn gamers into misogynistic morons then Super Seducer has nothing to worry about.
This was a game that dropped in 2004 across all platforms. It features Larry, a pot-bellied, huge-headed, deformed specimen of a human being as he goes around college trying to bang women. The core of the gameplay involves inane dialogue whose only purpose is to be funny or show how easy it is to manipulate women. In that way, it’s pretty much identical to Super Seducer. The game does go a step further though and forces you to get every woman drunk in order to sleep with you. This is because – as stated before – you play a hideous troll with all the charm of pre-chewed gum (also like Richard La Ruina). The point is, the game is awful, but it didn’t stop millions of fans from enjoying the Game Grumps playing it and wallowing in the sheer awfulness of it.
Sony doesn’t need to hold our hand, which is why Steam did the right move by allowing this game on their platform. In true nerd fashion, nearly 100% of the reviews mock the game or say things like, “Cringe af but really needs a frame cap! Runs at unnecessary 1k fps and I have to use nvidia inspector to force cap it.”
That’s right. Not only do gamers notice Super Seducer is terrible, but they are more interested in the frames-per-second than any damaging message the game might have.
Think of it like the movie The Room. That movie is so bad that James Franco made a movie about how bad that movie is. Everything about that movie is awful, but no one tried to block it from being made. One crazy, wonky-eyed foreigner had a dream to make an awful movie, and we let him. Why should we deny another crazy, wonky-faced foreigner that same experience?
Besides, some of this stuff in this game is actually funny. Whether it’s because La Ruina is actually insane or because in his cringefest of a life he manages to be funny once or twice, we don’t know. Just look at some of the stuff from Dunkey’s playthrough.

Yes, one of the options is “Stealthily creep up on them from behind the sofa.” Yes, that’s La Ruina behind the sofa.
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