League of Legends Highlight – Fly Sends Dig Sky-High
League of Legends Highlight – Fly Sends Dig Sky-High
We always respect every team and are happy to see them compete, but boy were we rooting for Flyquest. These guys took their break from competitive play seriously, and if CLG hadn’t beat them – which was a good series on its own – we are pretty sure they would have taken down C9.
Nonetheless, even after making a mistake in Game 2 of this series against Team Dignitas, FLY never lost their cool, they never hesitated, and they played their strategy to perfection. Even after FLY gave away two kills with a failed early invade, they never let DIG capitalize on it, and they used their crushing presence in team fights to dominate this game.

We aren’t sure what happened in the last few series for DIG, but they are like a dog with a bone. When they get a strategy, they refuse to let it go. Against CLG, it was invading the jungle, against FLY, it was pressuring top lane. As with their last failed strategy, no amount of beating could knock into their heads to quit a failing tactic.
First of all, Ssumday was on Renekton, and we know Ssumday can and has carried games, but Renekton is an unlikely carry champ, especially the further the game progresses. Unless DIG was hoping to crush the game in under twenty, we just don’t see Renketon getting fed enough to carry this through.
Second, Maokai is a terrible champion to try and crush. His entire purpose for FLY is to CC, and even hard targeted, he is a tank. His purpose for FLY will never be removed by pressuring him.
Last, the bottom lane was destroying DIG. Altec and Adrian were even more off than their series against CLG, and this combined with excellent gameplay by WildTurtle and LemonNation saw FLY’s Bot lane turn into a powerhouse that DIG could not compete against. And who would actually think a fed Renekton could beat a fed Xayah?
These few seconds show the entire culmination of FLY’s training. Every action of the team is synced, is unreadable by DIG, and is perfect. Balls – who was an amazing play maker all series – sets up the initiation, LemonNation engages, and Hai finishes them off. It happens so cleanly that DIG doesn’t have time to react, just to flee. By the end of this fight, FLY was up three kills to one, they took Baron, they took Infernal Drake, and they completely flipped this game and continued on to crush DIG.
Despite their loss against CLG, every team in the LCS could learn from the work FLY put in this series. If the top three teams in NA could deliver in team fights as well as they can deliver in lane and in mechanics, they would be giving even the LPL a run for its money.
Don’t forget to check out some of our other weekly pieces, The LoL Weekly Preview, Recap and Highlight, as well as The Something I’m Forgetting and Week in Review.
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