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RPG Limit Break Starts Annual Speedrunning event

by | May 14, 2018 | Livestreaming, News, News Section

RPG Limit Break Starts Annual Speedrunning event

by | May 14, 2018 | Livestreaming, News, News Section

Running for a full week, RPG Limit Break has kicked off the start to their annual RPG speedrunning event. This year, the group will once again be supporting NAMI, the National Alliance for Mental Illness. As with most speedrunning events, games will be played nonstop for the duration of the event. RPG Limit Break will run from May 13 – May 20.

RPG limit break

RPG Limit Break has been running for just three years but has had increased success year over year. In 2015, the organization made $46k, but that number climbed to $76k and then $111k the following years. This year, RPG Limit Break has set an expected goal of $100k, but it is likely they will surpass last year’s numbers. This is especially true because the RPG Limit Break livestream has not dipped below 11,000 viewers since it started at 5pm yesterday.

In the speedrunning world, RPG runs are generally considered to be more laidback than their counterparts in other games. With the massive amount of dialogue and the much higher playthrough times, RPGs generally take far longer. Because of this, it’s much easier to mess up a small detail within a playthrough. Watching the Breath of Fire speedrun showed just how different it could be. Three players sat side by side racing to get to the end of the game first. But while their numbers stayed the same in the beginning, as the hours went on, the gaps started to widen. One player fell woefully behind the others due to an untimely death while the others eventually grew more distant from small mechanical differences.

Unlike many speedruns, RPG speedruns also don’t shy from newer titles. Because there is less of a focus on precise, intricate mechanical skill – as with a game like Super Mario 64 – it’s much easier to toss any RPG into the mix. So this year’s RPGs are a blend of older titles like Soul Blazer right alongside Final Fantasy XV and Nier Automata.

To donate, fans can head to RPG Limit Break’s twitch page or to the official site. They can also purchase official shirts to contribute.


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