Twitch Streamer Aqualadora Admits To Killing Dog
Twitch Streamer Aqualadora Admits To Killing Dog
A strange and potentially tragic story has been playing out over the last 24 hours. It involves a rather obscure streamer name Simone “Aqualadora” Scott and her admission of killing a four-year-old dog.
It all started on the stream of RajjPatel, a fairly popular Twitch streamer. Aqualadora was a guest on his stream and he asked her to confess the worst thing she’d ever done. Her answer came quickly, “I used to work as a veterinary technician and I once killed someone’s dog on purpose.”
As you might expect, the internet’s reaction was swift.

The news of Aqualadora’s criminal activity quickly caught the attention of Reddit’s LivestreamFail community. Reddit communities have a checkered past with these sorts of things (like when they mass misidentified the Boston Bomber and disrupted law enforcement efforts), so it shouldn’t come as much of a surprise that they almost immediately took things too far.
The thread revolving around Aqualadora had to be locked by moderators due to constant attempts of doxxing by the community.
Meanwhile, RajjPatel took to Twitter shortly after the stream went viral and offered this response:
The abuse of animals is completely unacceptable and morally reprehensible. The individual involved was removed as a result and will never be welcome on my platform again. Im really upset about it and can’t believe that anybody would have the capacity to do something like that
— Rajj Patel (@RajjOfficial) February 28, 2018
RajjPatel goes on to claim that he kicked her off his stream shortly after her comments, but as another Twitter user points out, that wasn’t until after he prodded her more about her claims.
A big question in all this is what Twitch should do. Technically speaking, Aqualadora may have not broken any explicit rules with her revelation. There are certainly vague areas in the company’s Terms and Conditions that you could point to, but nothing that can be touted as an inarguable breach of terms.
Twitch has ran into trouble in the past when they’ve removed Streamers without concrete proof of wrongdoing. Perhaps this is why Aqualadora’s channel is still live on the platform (as of writing this, at least). Though it does appear as if comments on her page have been disabled, likely due to the fact that people were earlier bombarding her page with threats and hateful speech, both of which violate Twitch’s rules.
As for Aqualadora, she’s been silent throughout this process aside from one recent and somewhat inauspicious Tweet.
You would think this community would know how to recognize a troll when they see one. ?
— Aqua (Simone) (@AqualaGamer) February 28, 2018
Whether it was just a giant troll move or if she really committed such a heinous act, Twitch will eventually need to make a statement of some sort to clarify their rules for any future similar situations.
Ironically, the Twitch users who blatantly broke rules with hate speech and threats on Aqualadora’s channel may be the first to receive punishments.
We’ll update this post periodically as this story continues to unfold.
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