Digital Games Sales Reach Almost $9 Billion In January

by | Feb 27, 2018 | News, News Section, Videogames

Digital Games Sales Reach Almost $9 Billion In January

by | Feb 27, 2018 | News, News Section, Videogames

Digital game sales were on fire last month. According to a SuperData report, digital game sales in January rose over 10 percent, with gamers spending $8.9 billion digitally on games across all platforms.

SuperData credits the unexpected success of Monster Hunter: World as a key factor in the strong January’s sales numbers. 

Heading the charge for the overall market growth was the soaring digital console market, which grew 57 percent year-over-year. The success of Monster Hunter: World undoubtedly playing a role in this segment. On top of that, digital ‘Premium PC’ sales grew 24 percent as well.

Digital game sales

As part of the report, SuperData also released data on the top grossing games of January for PC, console and mobile. It’s no surprise to find League of Legends at the top of the PC category and Call of Duty atop the Console portion (with Monster Hunter close on its tail). Meanwhile Pokemon GO is still holding on as it managed to nab the number 10 spot in the mobile section.  

Among the most noteworthy games on the list are the two battle royales continuing to fight it out. PUBG just inched out Fortnite in the PC category, but it failed to make the console list at all, most likely a result of the game’s Xbox exclusivity.

According to the report, PUBG and Fortnite combined for “over $200 million in digital revenue from Console and PC,” with Fortnite reaching a record high engagement  level. The continued back and forth saga with PUBG and Fortnite doesn’t seem like it’ll be ending anytime soon, even though some analysts see Fortnite possibly breaking away.   

Digital game sales

The two big surprises in the top grossing console category where Grand Theft Auto V and Rainbow Six: Siege. Perhaps we should stop being surprised by the unprecedented success of GTA V, but we just can’t help it. This is a console game that’s going into its fifth year in existence and it’s still topping the charts. That’s unbelievable, even for a Rockstar title.  

On the flip-side, Rainbow Six is flourishing thanks to steady, sizable updates from Ubisoft. A company that has been fighting for its independence for years now, Ubisoft is slowly but surely getting back into the good graces of fans with their support for Rainbow Six and Assassin’s Creed Origins

Whether you’re a console, PC or mobile person, the encroaching importance of digital sales is undeniable. Year by year it’s becoming a better barometer for the overall health of the gaming industry. This positive report from January is a clear indicator that the gaming industry is in a healthy place with still plenty of room to grow.  



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