Epic Games Sues 14-Year Old Fortnite Cheater, Gets a Response from Mom
Epic Games Sues 14-Year Old Fortnite Cheater, Gets a Response from Mom
Epic Games is suing a kid for cheating in their wildly popular battle royale title, Fortnite. But now the kid’s mom is ready to put up a fight.
Even before this incident, Epic was seen by some as a bit of an underhanded bully for the way they pushed out Battle Royale after working closely with Bluehole on PUBG. That could have just been bad timing on their part though and their image wasn’t too damaged.
But suing a 14-year old? That’s just not a good PR move.

The whole saga started last month when Polygon first uncovered the court documents revealing that Epic was suing two of its game’s own players. That didn’t sit too well with people initially, but with the massive EA scandal, Epic’s dirty laundry was quickly forgotten.
Now it’s been revealed that one of the individuals being sued is actually just a kid. A lot of people were up in arms after hearing the news, but no one more so than the child’s mom.
Caleb Rogers (Sky Orbit) is the 14-year old gamer and streamer named in the suit and suffice it to say, his mom isn’t happy. While we don’t know if she grounded her son or took away any of his toys, we do know that she sent a scathing letter to the judge presiding over the case. In the letter, which you can read in its entirety here, Lauren Rogers bashes Epic Games for naming her son in the suit.
“It is my belief that due to their lack of ability to curve cheat codes and others from modifying their game, they are using a 14-year-old child as a scape foat to make an example of him. […] Furthermore, Epic Games, INC has released the defendants name publicly, therefore allowing news articles and different online publications to obtain his name and in turn release additional information. Referencing State of Delaware House Bill No. 64 it is illegal to release under age individuals’ personal information by any agencies. Epic Games INC is in complete violation of this as well as other individual websites and news reporting agencies.”
Not to mention, the lawsuit itself is unprecedented. Never before has a publisher gone to these lengths to curb cheating. And to be fair, we don’t blame Epic for being mad. Putting incredible time, resources and effort into something just to have some kid come along and ruin it is probably really frustrating, but surely suing the kid for more money than he can even fathom is not the answer. A lifetime ban would be a harsh, but more understandable decision.
The bigger picture is that publishers and developers are getting tired of people cheating, but they still haven’t come up with a surefire way to prevent it. And the bright side for Epic is that they’re still not EA.
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