League of Legends Recap – Eyes on Worlds
League of Legends Recap – Eyes on Worlds

We hate to love a one-sided series, but boy did we love this series. DIG, who had once been favored so high, who dethroned C9 and who constantly surprised analysts, was defeated by Flyquest in a quick 3 – 0.
Although FLY played exceptionally, DIG made some huge mistakes. One of the largest was in their constant focus on the top lane. It’s true, Ssumday has been a big threat from DIG, but while DIG focused all their attention trying to get Ssumday fed, they lost Bot lane every single game. This was a huge surprise coming from Adrian and Altec, but they were constantly pressured, out-played and killed in lane while their team refused to adapt. Like their game against CLG – where they constantly invaded the jungle early and failed – DIG refused to quit a failing strategy.
Also, whereas DIG were the ones pulling aggressive objective calls all split, FLY beat them to the punch every time in ways they weren’t expecting. Along with perfectly timed CC – usually centering around three of FLY’s members going all in at once – Adrian and Altec were simply outmatched in every way by Wild Turtle and Lemonnation.
It could have been jitters from their loss to CLG – and we don’t blame them – or it could have been this new Flyquest from out of nowhere, but DIG went down in flames to FLY’s new strategy.
SERIES 2: counter logic gaming vs flyquest

We predicted that if FLY beat DIG, they would have something impressive to show CLG – and they did. The series ultimately went to CLG in a 3 – 1 victory, but not before a Game 1 that left most of us scratching our heads.
FLY was the team known for the wacky comps that tried to win through sheer surprise rather than synergy, but this series (and the one before) saw team comps well-honed and perfected. CLG tried to match Fly’s CC comp with a Fiora flex to mid and a top-lane Mundo, which was less than explosive, and ultimately led to a loss.
Game 2 saw FLY letting Aurelion Sol through the draft phase for Huhi (which you just do not do) and trying to put him down hard with two early game ganks, but there’s a reason no one lets the cosmic dragon through. With an impressive 94% KP, Huhi crushed FLY in the late game and saw his dragon banned the final two games.
Ultimately, CLG played well against FLY, with several amazing hooks and plays by Aphromoo, but it was Darshan and Huhi that led CLG to victory.
SERIES 3: counter logic gaming vs cloud9

We had high hopes for this series, but while we expected well planned, tactical strategies from these two heavy-weights, what we got was a muddled, sloppy flop to victory. Both teams played more like boxers ten rounds deep into a match than team fresh out the gate – and, granted, CLG did just go four rounds against FLY, but we still didn’t expect this. C9 ultimately came out on top though with a 3 – 1 victory over CLG, but none of the wins were dominating, and each game was filled with mistakes on both teams.
We can’t even say that this was a slugfest – which is usually what happens with messy games. Game 1 didn’t see action until nearly seventeen minutes in, so it wasn’t as if the teams were being reckless. However, even CLG’s ban phase felt haphazard, with Game 1 bans targeting all of the champions that FLY had prioritized. We aren’t sure if Coach Ziks had confused his ban list or what, but from the start eyebrows were being raised.
It wasn’t just the coaches that were off, though. Contractz gave away several deaths that were completely unwarranted with Omargod also finding himself rushing ahead of his team and getting picked off.
With most players on both teams making mistake after mistake, it was Game 4 that C9 realized they had to unite under one player to reach victory, and the entire team collected under the banner of Sneaky’s Tristana – even Jensen bought an Athene’s Unholy Grail just to add some extra Oomph to keep Sneaky going.
C9 deserved the win, but we are definitely hoping they are in better form come Worlds, where the competition will be crisp, clean, and brutal.
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