Everyone Loves Lawbreakers, but No One Plays It
Everyone Loves Lawbreakers, but No One Plays It
When gamers hear the word Lawbreakers, they either have no clue what it is, or vaguely recall it and confuse it with Battleborn. An even smaller minority knows exactly what it is, and they love the game. Which begs the question, why is a good game getting so little attention?

It isn’t too hard to find opinions of Lawbreakers, but the overwhelming majority of those opinions are that the game is exactly what it said it would be, and it’s quite good. Compare Lawbreakers to a similar flop – Battleborn – and Lawbreakers beats the game hands down in reviews but still never managed to get the kind of numbers Battleborn did. Battleborn launched with concurrent users hovering above ten thousand, whereas Lawbreakers struggled to get above one thousand despite being a much more polished game.
Many have said the issue is in comparing it to Overwatch, a game that has a similar hero-shooter premise but which is different in almost every other aspect. Lawbreakers is gritty and realistic, it calls back to the roots of arena shooters like Unreal, and it has a high skill cap and learning curve. None of those things are true of Overwatch, which is far more inspired by TF2 than arena shooters. For fans of the FPS genre, these are as different stylistically as an action RPG and a turn-based one.
Gamers have tried to decipher what went wrong with Lawbreakers. Youtuber CrowbCat made a 10 minute mash-up of the hype and presentation of Lawbreakers as well as many of the reviews and comparisons to it. It presented a possibility of oversaturation being the cause for failure, but we don’t think that is the case.
In the world of MOBAs, titles popped up left and right in the wake of League of Legends’ popularity, but a few stood out among the rest, and several still maintain solid fanbases. Smite survived by being different enough – the concept for story and characters as well as non-isometric view helped it set itself apart. Dota 2 presented itself as the hardcore version of LoL, which every MOBA fan agrees is true. The difficulty and skill cap of Dota 2 sets it apart.
So why hasn’t Lawbreakers been able to separate itself to create the same type of atmosphere Dota 2 enjoys?

In a comparison to Overwatch that is relevant, the biggest difference between these games is in marketing. We can’t throw a stone without hitting eighteen articles about Overwatch or Blizzard properties. Comparatively, even the FPS junkies we talked to were only vaguely aware of Lawbreakers existence.
It doesn’t help that the community and fanbase have little to latch onto. The characters in Lawbreakers are bland and hard to get behind – there’s the one that looks like a hammerhead, the one that looks like a Slipknot character, and a bunch that look like people in battle armor – which makes it hard for the community to get excited. Add to this almost no attempt by Lawbreakers to create a story, and you have a recipe for something even hardcore fans have a hard time promoting.
Lawbreakers got one thing very right – it’s fun. That’s what a game should be, but Lawbreakers is a multiplayer only game, and for that to continue to be fun, it needs players. Lots of them. Boss Key Productions managed to make a great game but not a good experience, and that is what is holding them back. Having released only one month ago, there is still time to do some housecleaning and try to connect with new fans, but they have to actually do something they’ve been reluctant to do – promote the game.
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