LoL Highlight Finals – TSM Master the Turnaround
LoL Highlight Finals – TSM Master the Turnaround
The highlight of this week has to be Game 4. This should come as no surprise, as we covered it in our recap of the week. Not only was it the Series ending game, securing TSM the crown of best in the NA LCS, but it was a huge turnaround for TSM. It had all the beginnings of a reverse sweep (especially on the back of a crushing Game 3 victory by IMT), but IMT overreached on two separate occasions that surrendered their lead and ended in disaster.

But it’s worth discussing what IMT was doing right. On the back of a solid victory, IMT seemed to be in full control of this game. In fact, Game 3 saw TSM dog pile in bottom lane for a single kill; IMT did nearly an identical play, but their warding allowed for a much better pincer onto the turret in bottom lane and led to a far more decisive two kills and first turret.
This was repeated later in the game as Flame pushed mid and IMT pressured top lane. They held this formation until Doublelift was forced mid to deal with Flame, and once he was there, Flame immediately rotated top and they once again collapsed on the turret to get a pile of kills and take zero deaths in the process.
It was an amazing performance that unfortunately led to some far too heavy pushing on IMT’s part as they overestimated their abilities.
When people hear ‘throw’, they assume it was some cataclysmic play that was certainly doomed to fail, but this didn’t look like a disaster waiting to happen. Mini-Gnar was on the field with Mega far off, health bars were low on IMT, but not insanely low, and TSM had taken some poke. Flame was even still sitting on his ulti, and most of us guessed that an engage on IMT at this point – where IMT was ten thousand gold ahead – would have led to a huge loss for TSM.
But that isn’t what happened.
Biofrost gets a huge engage on Codysun and Flame – the two best people it could possibly hit – Flame’s ulti goes wide and misses all the carries (something he had been great about getting before), and TSM peels perfectly. Sure, Pobelter was low on mana, they had extended their stay, but this was by no means an IMT throw. This was a perfect call out of TSM that started a snowball that could not be stopped.
Congrats again to the best team in the NA LCS.
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