Youtube Red’s Good Game Does Right by eSports
Youtube Red’s Good Game Does Right by eSports
Game Grumps’ new Youtube Red show Good Game premiered last Wednesday, and we’re happy to say that our worries were not met.
We had trepidations about both Youtube Red and any gaming content that tries to break into the mainstream, but with the Game Grumps as the stars of the show, co-creators Michele Morrow (of basically every gaming event ever) and Jesse Cox (you might recognize him from his Youtube channel), as well as the writers from Rick and Morty and Dan Harmon himself – we were more than pleased.

Our biggest worry was that the show would come off as inauthentic, but even if some of the creators weren’t hardcore gamers, the rest of the staff (the Grumps Michele, Jesse, etc.) made sure the show never strayed from true gamer roots. Jesse Cox actually managed his own eSports team for Heroes of the Storm, and Michele Morrow has been a long-time player and hosted numerous eSport events, so delving into that culture was easy for them.
This included some of the best moments of the episode (we won’t ruin it) regarding the names of professional players. Considering the fact that Balls is the real name of a current LoL player, the show didn’t miss the mark, and it never failed to include a myriad of references to DOTA, MOBAs, and gaming in general, including one of the Killcore (the fictional MOBA they play in Good Game) characters looking quite a lot like Urf from League of Legends.

As for disappointments, the show spends only a small amount of time (in the first episode at least) looking at the actual game they play. Arguably, a show about eSports should feature more of the actual sport – it’s not like Michael Jordan didn’t play a lot of basketball in Space Jam – however, Jesse Cox and Michele Morrow did address this.
In a behind the scenes Youtube video, the two discussed how Killcore came into existence instead of using an already existing eSport. Essentially, the team designed an actual game and the footage seen in the show is from real people playing that game.If we had to guess, it seems unlikely that the creators would go through so much effort if they weren’t planning on highlighting champions and gameplay later on – which we have to admit, has us pretty excited.
We will have to wait for more episodes to see if Good Game does right by eSports and highlights the game and plays appropriately, but if we had to bet, we would say it’s mostly going to be about the silly antics of an eSports team… which we are actually pretty okay with.
Don’t forget to check out some of our other weekly pieces, The LoL Weekly Preview, Review and Highlight, as well as The Something I’m Forgetting and Week in Review.
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